Agenda for Harpsden Parish Council Meeting on 15th July 2024

Agenda for Harpsden Parish Council Meeting on 15th July 2024





to be held at Harpsden Village Hall

at 7.45pm on Monday 15th July 2024




  1. Welcome & Apologies
  2. To receive Declarations of pecuniary interests and/or requests for dispensations from Members regarding any item on this agenda
  3. To approve the Minutes of last Council Meeting (Monday 20thMay 2024)
  4. To receive the Oxfordshire County Councillor’s Report
  5. To receive the South Oxfordshire District Councillor’s Report
  6. To receive a presentation from Harpsden Golf Club
  7. Planning Matters: The latest Planning Report is available on the website and will be considered in the following format.

7.1            To review SODC Planning Decisions since the previous meeting.

7.2            To consider for comment all new Planning Applications

7.3           To briefly note all Outstanding Planning Applications and Appeals

  1. Financial Matters: All financial documents have been circulated by the Clerk prior to the meeting.

8.1           To consider and approve the Financial Report containing all Bank balances and        Reconciliations.

8.2            To approve the Schedule of Payments.

8.3            To review actual spend vs budget.

8.4            To review CIL reconciliation

8.5            To review and accept Clerk’s expenses

8.6            To review and accept Chair’s expense

  1. CIL Projects:                   To discuss each Councillor’s proposed project for possible CIL funding.
  2. Parish Matters

10.1 To discuss the continued drainage work and to decide on further action.

10.2 To discuss the purchase of Village Gates, Boundry Markers & Noticeboard.

  1. Dates of next meetings:

16th September, 18th November


Open Forum:  Electors are welcome at the Meeting and can raise any matters of concern during a period of some 15 minutes.

For more information, please contact the Clerk to the Council:

AM Scanlon 10 Horse Leys, Highland Park, Henley on Thames, Oxon RG9 4BQ

Tel: 0787 921 0633 Email: