to be held virtually
on Monday 18th May 2020 7.45 pm
(Please see the link below)
- Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of pecuniary interests and/or requests for dispensations from Members regarding any item on this agenda.
3. Approval of Minutes of last Council Meeting (Monday 16th March 2020)
4. Matters arising not covered elsewhere in the Agenda.
5. Oxfordshire County Councillor’s Report
6. South Oxfordshire District Councillor’s Report
7. Review of adequacy of insurance policy prior to renewal.
8. Completion and Approval of Annual Governance Statement 2019/2020* Deferred due to Covid-19
9. Completion and approval of Accounting Statements 2019/2020* Deferred due to Covid-19
10. Planning Matters:
1 SODC Decisions
.2 Outstanding Applications and Appeals
11. Financial Matters:
11.1 Bank balances and reconciliations
11.2 Approval of Payments
11.3 Actual spend vs budget
12. AOB
13. Dates of next meetings:
Council Meeting: Monday 20th July 2020 7.45pm
Council Meeting: Monday 21st September 2020 7.45pm
Council Meeting: Monday 16th November 2020 7.45pm
Open Forum: Electors are welcome at the Meeting and can raise any matters of concern during a period of some 15 minutes. Please use this link to join the Virtual Meeting
Meeting ID ID: 870 1831 9348 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87018319348
For more information, please contact the Clerk to the Council:
AM Scanlon 10 Horse Leys, Highland Park, Henley on Thames, Oxon RG9 4BQ
Tel: 0787 921 0633 Email: clerk@harpsdenparishcouncil.org.uk