The appeal has been allowed and outline planning permission has been granted for up to 95 dwellings and associated public open space and landscaping at Thames Farm (Planning application Ref P16/S0970/O).
Clearly this decision is extremely disappointing and of serious concern. The parish council will comment on the decison after giving due consideration to the Inspector’s reasons for granting outline planning permission. No doubt there will be considerable comment on the decision in this week’s issue of the Henley Standard.
Click here to read the Inspector’s full report.
A key reason given for approving the application was SODC’s failure to have a 3 year housing land supply, albeit its stated position is one of having about 4 years supply.
An online petition has been set up to deliver to John Cotton, the leader of SODC, to get the appeal decision referred to the High Court and thence reversed.
Click here for the link to the petition