HPC Anti-Bribery Policy

HPC Anti-Bribery Policy

ANTI BRIBERY POLICY which was reviewed and renewed at the AGM 20th May 2024.

Harpsden Parish Council (“HPC”) has a duty to protect its integrity and uphold responsible and fair business practices under the Local Government Act 1972 (Section 117) and The Bribery Act 2010.

The policy has been developed to protect HPC’s reputation, its officers, members, volunteers and employees and thereby ensure the highest level of ethical standards in relation to all the activities it undertakes.

It is an offence to bribe, or attempt to bribe, a public official and for such an official to accept a bribe.

It is an offence for an officer of a local authority, whilst in working capacity, to accept a bribe.

A bribe is defined as a fee, gift, reward, inducement, advantage or loan promised or provided in order to gain any contractual, commercial or personal advantage or influence.

Payments or gifts known as “facilitation payments”, to accelerate the prompt and proper performance of routine government procedures and processes are also strictly prohibited.

Overall responsibility for policy implementation rests with the Clerk to the Council.  However, all officers, members, volunteers and employees are obliged to adhere to and support the principles contained within the Policy.

Officers, members, volunteers and employees should also be aware that hospitality and promotional gifts may be construed as bribes.  If any doubt exists then individuals should decline thereby ensuring that they do not place themselves in a compromising position.

Those who do not comply with bribery legislation are liable to disciplinary action by HPC and may face criminal prosecution. In the event of a successful prosecution penalty fines will be levied and/or imprisonment, depending upon the severity of the case.