Public Consultation: Joint Statement of Community Involvement.

Public Consultation: Joint Statement of Community Involvement.

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils are preparing a joint Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), that sets out how we will consult on planning applications and planning policy, including the joint Local Plan.

We want to make it as easy as possible for people to get involved in the planning process. That’s why we’re asking you about our draft SCI. It contains details of how we plan to work positively and proactively with our communities to ensure their voices are heard.

The SCI also sets out how we plan to make sure you can access the right information as easily and early as possible to help you come to your own conclusions.

We’re committed to ensuring you know what we’re doing – we strive to be clear and transparent in our processes – and the SCI reflects this too.

We’ll take on board your comments on the draft SCI before bringing a final version before our councils to be adopted. Once adopted the joint SCI will replace the existing South Oxfordshire SCI and the Vale of White Horse SCI. We will comply with the new SCI when preparing plan-making documents and when determining planning applications.

You can give your comments on the draft Statement of Community Involvement from Wednesday 8 September until midnight on Wednesday 20 October 2021.

  • Email:
  • Write to Planning Policy, South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils and post to ‘Freepost SOUTH AND VALE CONSULTATIONS’ (no other address information or stamp is needed). Our preference is electronic submissions and there is no need to post a hard copy as well.

Or click on the link below to comment directly.